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Types of Visas
482 (Temp Skill Shortage) Visa 

The Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482) or TSS allows an employer to sponsor an appropriately skilled worker to fill a position they cannot find any skilled Australian to fill.

There are four streams under the Subclass 482 visa:

  • Short-Term Stream
  • Medium-Term Stream
  • Labour Agreement Stream
  • Subsequent Entrant

Short-Term Stream (Subclass 482)

  • Travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while the visa is valid
  • Study, without government assistance
  • Include other family members – secondary applicants – in the visa application
  • Work in Australia for up to 2 years for your sponsor, or for 4 years if an ITO (International Trade Obligation) applies, or up to 5 years if you are a Hong Kong passport holder
  • Apply for permanent residency if eligible
  • No age requirement for this visa


  • Hold an appropriate visa before applying
  • Be nominated by an approved sponsor
  • Work for the nominating sponsor
  • Have a skills assessment
  • Be a genuine applicant for a short term visa holder

Medium-Term Stream (Subclass 482)
This visa stream permits employers to address labour shortages and bring skilled workers where a suitably skilled Australian worker is unable to be sourced.


  • Travel to and from Australia as many times as you wish while the visa is valid
  • Work for your sponsor in Australia for up to 4 years, or 5 years if you are a Hong Kong passport
  • Study without government assistance
  • Apply for permanent residence if eligible
  • No age requirement


  • Be nominated by an approved sponsor
  • Work for your nominating employer
  • Have a positive skills assessment
  • Not have had a previous visa cancelled or refused
  • Have at least 2 years of relevant work experience in the nominated occupation or related field

Labour Agreement Stream (Subclass 482)
This visa stream is for skilled workers who are nominated by employers who have a labour agreement. It allows such visa holders to live and work in Australia temporarily.


  • Study without government assistance
  • Travel to and from Australia as many times as you want when the visa is valid
  • Work in Australia for up to 4 years for your sponsor or up to 5 years if you are a Hong Kong passport holder


  • The individual must be working under a labour agreement
  • Be nominated by an employer
  • Have at least 2 years of relevant work experience in the nominated occupation
  • Have an appropriate level of English for the respective occupation

Subsequent Entrant (Subclass 482)
This visa stream is for the family members of subclass 457 and TSS visa holders who are applying separately for their TSS visa and want to join the primary subclass 457 or TSS visa holder in Australia.


  • Travel to and from Australia multiple times while the visa is valid
  • Live, work, and study in Australia
  • Study without government assistance
  • Apply for permanent residency if eligible
  • This is a temporary visa
  • No age requirement


  • Have a partner or parent who holds a Subclass 482 or TSS
  • Be nominated by the primary visa holder’s sponsor
  • Not have a previous visa cancelled or refused
  • If applying in Australia, hold a substantive visa or a Bridging Visa A, Bridging Visa B, or Bridging Visa C